Friday, March 29, 2013

Why Auto Insurance Is Necessary

If you own a vehicle and you want to use it legally, you must have valid motor vehicle liability insurance. It means financial defense for your auto, motorcycle or truck in that case if you get involved in a traffic accident that results in human or material damage.

The regulations of automotive insurance are unique in every country. In the United States of America you have to meet the requirements of your own state.

Anyway, it's a common condition all around the world that vehicle owners have to buy insurance before they start to drive on public roads.

There are several items that can be insured in a support policy: your vehicle(s), you and your travellers, the other damaged vehicle and its passengers. You can also get clearing for renting an auto instead of yours and for towing your damaged auto to a repair shop.

The car insurance companies take into consideration several factors in order to determine each person's premium - they would like to have minimal risk in the case of each customer. The most important factors are the features of the driver such as age, gender, marital status, driving record and credit ratings. Besides these the car specialities (capacity, retail price) and the way of using the car (it matters how much and where you will use it) are also essential. Your monthly fee will depend on the degree of coverage that you choose.

You can extend your basic policy with cover for natural wear. It is not apply to damages which are results of collisions, made by vandals or natural forces. After the expiration of warranty this can be a really useful service.

The insurers monitor regularly the points of their policyholders. Every driver will get plus points, if they cause accidents or violate the traffic rules (such as driving through the red light, speeding). If you have more points, you mean bigger risk for the insurer and because of this your premium will be higher.

I would like to recommend a few simple tips that you should follow in order to avoid the increase of your premium:

· Drive safely and always wear the seatbelt! Don't violate the rules and don't get into accidents - a speeding ticket can increase your premium by 15%; if you get a ticket because of reckless driving or you drive under the influence your base rate can be bigger by 20% or more, after an accident up to 40%.

· You should report even your smallest accidents to your provider. If you don't do it, they may cancel your policy.

· Install an anti-theft device to your auto to help in the preventing of theft.

· If you take and pass a defensive driving course that is accredited, your rates can be cut by 10%.

Don't forget that your premium will be higher automatically if you have a flashy sport car.

Some companies have started to use an odometer-based insurance system. They follow up their policyholders' odometers. In this case the support will end when the odometer reaches the previously determined limit - it is on the ID card of the car which has been given by the company to the driver. But if you buy more distance, then the insurance will continue. This system is good because you don't have to predict the distance that you will drive in the coming year. And the police officers can easily check the validity of the insurance: they only compare the numbers on the card and on the odometer.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What You Should Know About Semi Insurance Policies

Many of us spend much of our time on the road, whether it is in our own car or public transportation. It is very important that all cars and other vehicles on the road be insured. This will ensure the safety of all the people who may be involved in an accident. There are various insurance plans that are offered to different kinds of vehicles. Moreover, there are different legislative policies regarding different types of vehicles. You are not allowed to drive an uninsured truck on the road, as it is against the law.

Smaller automobiles owned by individuals have an insurance policy for the individuals involved in the accident and the vehicle as well. However, larger automobiles, like trucks and buses, have a different insurance policy. Along with covering for the individuals and vehicles damaged in an accident, the semi insurance also covers the cargo in larger vehicles. Insurance companies also cover the damage a truck may suffer when it is parked somewhere and the driver is absent from the scene of the accident.

There are many things you will have to consider before settling on a specific insurance plan. The first thing is that you must be aware of scammers. Many insurance agents are affiliated with companies that want to sell the insurance plan at a higher rate or rob you of your money. Therefore, before you make any decision, you must thoroughly research the company you are planning to sign a contract with. You have to make sure that the company exists and is not a fraud.


You have to decide what kind of coverage you need for your truck. Then, you should compare your need with your budget. There are many insurance plans that offer different services under the same plan. Therefore, you must research each plan and the services they offer. You can search on the internet for all of the various services that each plan offers and correlate them with your needs.

Comparing Quotes:

One of the most important steps in finalizing a semi insurance plan for your truck is comparing quotes from different insurance companies. Before you settle on any insurance company, it is very wise to get quotes from all of them and try negotiating for lower rates. Once you have all of the quotes, you should compare them with each other to get the lowest possible rate for the insurance plan you would like for your truck.

Company Policy:

The one thing most people miss when signing a contract is to read the company policy in fine print. When we sit down to sign a deal, we usually do not bother to read the company's terms and conditions. However, you must carefully read all of the details of the semi insurance you are getting for your truck.

It is important to take time to research all aspects of the semi insurance plan you are getting for your truck to avoid any regrets later.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Crucial Steps in Saving Money

Since you started working you've enjoyed having an income, but it always seems as if you never have enough to pay or buy what you really want. There's no point in working yourself tired if you can't spend some of the money to have a good time or get what you've always wanted (Trip to Peru, Playstation 4, you name it).

That's why I thought it would be a good idea to make a list for people who are starting out (or need some ideas on saving money) to help them get what they've always wanted.

Buying a car

Fuel is getting expensive by the minute and it has a great influence on your finances. When buying a car you have to think of all the costs involved. Things to look out for are:

• Are the parts for this car expensive when I want to service it and have to buy new ones?
• Is this car fuel efficient and will it save me money in the long run?
• Is this car in such a condition that it will affect my car insurance premium?

Buying instead of renting a home or flat

Currently you're most likely paying a monthly fee for your home. The problem is that money is going into someone else's pocket and not your own. You are losing on an investment potential and you'll most likely start late with it like everyone else. Instead of paying your rent why not get your own home and pay the mortgage, this way you're making an investment and your investment will most likely increase in value.

Pay off your debts

There comes a time in your life when you have to take out a loan to help you financially. Loans are effective, but a word of advice, pay it back as soon as possible. Not just the monthly debit order, but as much as possible, if you pay the settlement fee you'll even be able to pay less since you won't be paying interest on the loan. Squeeze those Dollars, Franks, Euros or Rands and pay it back as soon as possible, otherwise you'll be paying almost double these days of what you loaned.

Open a savings account

Even if you put a small amount of money it will build up to a large amount which might help you out in the long run if you ever need money again. The best kind of savings account is the one where you can't get to your money (32 day release), which will keep you from withdrawing it and help you save.

Something as simple as car insurance, buy energy efficient appliances and walking more often can make a big difference in your finances.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Securing Auto Loans With Bad Credit: 3 Stages Of An Application

For almost every American, owning a vehicle is a hugely important thing. Whether requiring one for work or family reasons, or to simply have one to get around easily, an automobile is a necessity in modern life. But buying a car can be a challenge for bad credit borrowers. Thankfully, there are ways to get approval on an auto loan with bad credit.

The reality is that having low credit scores is not the chief concern for lenders. Far more important are the issues of affordability, employment status and having all of the necessary documentation in order. But securing loan approval is made easier if the applicant has everything ready before submitting their application.

Taking the time to organize things is well worth the effort, which is why we have put together a list of things to check on during the 3 different stages of the auto loan application process. From budgeting to filling out the application form, there are ways to increase the chances of getting the green light.

Before Submitting Your Application

There are a number of things that every applicant should do before submitting an application for an auto loan with bad credit. The first is to understand the state of their finances, and check their credit score. The reason is that the score will affect the interest rate to be charged.

It is possible to get an official copy of your credit report from one of the credit agencies. This details your credit history, revealing the score and how the score was calculated. But the score may be inaccurate, in which case a review can be ordered. Improving your score can mean better loan terms, as well as a better chance of securing loan approval.

Once this is done, set your budget for an auto loan that is affordable. Applying for a loan that is out of financial reach is pointless. Remember, the lenders use the debt-to-income ratio, which stipulates no more than 40% of excess income can be used for a repayments. So, apply that to your calculations.

Completing Your Application

There are a few inclusions in an application that can make a huge difference when seeking an auto loan with bad credit. Probably the key inclusion, however, is a cosigner - someone who is willing to act as a guarantor on the loan.

The advantage of a cosigner is that the risk factor is reduced dramatically. This is because repayments are effectively guaranteed to be made, with the cosigner promising to pay in the event the borrower is unable to. And with the risk gone, securing loan approval becomes little more than a formality.

Other key inclusions are the required documents, all of which should be in good order before submitting your auto loan application. These include employment certificates that prove your employment status, and bank statements and tax returns that confirm your income. Recent utility bills may also be needed to confirm your current address.

After Submitting Your Application

It is a good idea to apply for an auto loan with bad credit to more than one lender, and those that approve your application will offer certain terms. Be sure to read the terms carefully before deciding which one is the right one.

Look at things like interest rate, the size of the down payment (which is a recommendation, never a requirement), and the loan term etc. Never be afraid to negotiate with a lender either. Perhaps, a longer repayment term suits best since it lowers the size of the monthly repayments.

Remember, securing loan approval is important, but there are options that place the power in your hands. So, do not settle for the first auto loan offer that comes your way.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Finding The Best Car Insurance Company: How To Spot The Leaders Of The Pack

There is no shortage of insurance companies out there, certainly when it comes to insuring your car. The problem is that they all have various offers, premium structures, and insurance products designed to fit practically any situation. So, how can one tell which is the best car insurance company of the lot?

The good news is that there are indicators that should reveal whether the company being considered is as good as they seem. While charging low car insurance premiums is always important, it is not always the truest sign that the company will look after their customers properly. There are other factors to look at.

Of course, getting car insurance is a matter of law, a fact that many companies take advantage of by insisting on less than ideal terms. But with some careful analysis of the policies on offer, and a little bit of research, the best deal from the best company can be found. Here are 3 common giveaway signs.

1. Fast Accident Responses

Arguably the most revealing sign when trying to identify the best car insurance company to sign up to is the speed at which they respond to the needs of their customers after a car accident. Bad companies will make excuses and will delay in assessing a claim in an attempt to avoid paying out.

Take some time to check on the response record of a particular insurance company. This can be done by contacting one of the many consumer associations that exist, who should be aware of any complaints. The Better Business Bureau should also have complaints on file that should impact on their BBB rating - only A1 grade companies should be considered.

Remember, as attractive as low car insurance premiums may be, the willingness to react quickly in the interest of their customers is hugely important. Failure to do so means honoring the car insurance terms is less likely.

2. Access To Fast Repairs And Servicing

Even when a car is not written off in an accident, the best car insurance company will be the one that ensures its customers are looked after properly. In some cases, an insurance company will insist their responsibilities do not include organizing or paying for car repairs.

However, an insurance company needs to be something a driver can rely on. Drivers do not want to feel they have been abandoned, especially when the issue is down to money. So, it is worthwhile finding a company that is willing to go the extra mile for their customers.

As well as low car insurance premiums, they should be able to offer immediate response and fast car servicing. That way, even if the damage is not too serious, your car insurance policy will ensure a return to the road soon rather than later.

3. Flexibility In Policies

There is no point in an insurance company being rigid in their policies. This is because each person has unique circumstances, and differing needs to match them. The best car insurance company is going to offer a greater level of flexibility in order to reflect that.

For example, some insurance companies charge for coverage their customer knows they will never need, or flatly refuse to provide cover for what seems to be a logical expense in the event of an accident.

If the company refuses to listen to reasonable requests, then they show a distinct disrespect for customers.

The bottom line is that offering low car insurance premiums is not enough to qualify a company as being a leading option in the market. It is expected that they actually care for their customers too, providing ample and logical car insurance coverage, and having a willingness to bend with the needs they might have.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Frequently Asked Auto Insurance Questions Answered

If you are just beginning to look for auto insurance or you just want to understand your auto insurance a little better then you have come to right place.

Here are a list of Frequently asked auto insurance questions.

Does everyone have to carry auto insurance?

Yes. This is called financial responsibility and it is required for any licensed driver to legally drive. If you do not have a vehicle but you are licensed you should be able to get what is called a "non owned auto policy". This will cover you should you rent a vehicle or drive someone else's vehicle. You are required to carry at least your states minimum liability requirements

Can I get the same coverage and discounts with all insurance companies?

No. With the obvious exception of the types of coverage like Bodily Injury/Liability, Uninsured/Underinsured motorist, medical, Comprehensive and Collision deductible. These coverage are offered by all insurance companies. However their coverage may vary depending on your driving record or where you live. The same will apply for discounts. Not all companies will offer discounts for multiple policies, being a good student, Gap coverage (loan coverage), being married.

I got a quote and now that I am ready to start my policy the premium has changed, why?

There are many factors that go into your auto insurance rates. If your insurance agent did not run a motor vehicle report when you were first quoted then possibly a forgotten accident or citation may have now shown up. Keep in mind that when you are giving your driving history to your agent it is of the utmost importance to be accurate with your information. All accidents and minor citations will stay on your record for a minimum of 3 years. Major violations will now be on for 10 years, this includes DUI, DWI to name a few.

If you have moved your new zip code could also play a part in your new rating. If you have a young driver in your household they may show up and will need to be included or excluded depending on where they have insurance. But a young driver will increase premiums substantially.

Also bear in mind that if you have just given your agent the vehicle identification number for your car that may change the premium as well. There are numerous makes and models, so some may cost more for replacement parts which only your VIN will be able to pinpoint exactly what model you have.

If you have a new job and your commute is further, or if you just got a job your vehicle could go from pleasure use to commute.

Can anyone drive my car and still be covered by my policy?

In most cases, yes, as long as they have the permission or reasonable belief from the insured that they can use the vehicle. The insured is the person named on the insurance policy and their spouse if applicable.

There are some exclusions, so you would need to look at your particular insurance policy to make sure. Remember, everyone in your household must be listed on your insurance policy if they have a license. For example, if a girlfriend you live with uses your car, she may not be covered if you did not list her on your insurance policy. On the other hand, if you live separately, she could use your car with your permission and be covered.

My child is going to be licensed soon, do I need to add them to my policy?

Yes, as long as they are living in your household and will be driving your vehicles then they absolutely will need to be added. Most states will require that any person that is a licensed driver must carry insurance. So unless your teen has opted to acquire their own insurance policy then they will need to be added. If your child is a good student with a grade point average of 3.0 or B average you may be able to qualify for that discount but you will need to get a print out from your child counselor.

What kind of car will be cheap to insure?

Generally any car that does not require full coverage will be less expensive. But you want to make sure that if there is a loss and your car is totaled that you can afford to either loose the vehicle or replace it out of pocket. But ultimately your driving record will always play a huge factor in your premium.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Common Approaches to Finding Good Value Car Insurance

I have recently been shopping around trying to find the best policy for my motorcar, and I thought I'd share some of the tips that I've picked up along the way, in the hope it can help someone else save a bit of money.

The best place to start, when looking to get your car insurance premium down, is to shop around. Of course, it's obvious, but each company looks at every potential risk and puts their own multiplier onto it, which can mean wildly varying quote prices. There are plenty of comparison sites out there, so get signed up to Confused, Comparethemarket, Gocompare and any others worth trying. Each company uses actuaries to evaluate the risk multiplier for each situation, and of course they cannot be perfect.. so that's where you can take advantage, and get a better quote from one to the other.

One thing I've noticed, is that the comparison sites seem to take different levels of commission. For example, Confused always has a cheaper premium by around £10. I believe this is because the others take a larger cut. So, even though these comparison sites are checking the same companies.. they also can vary on price. Go and test this for yourselves, and you will see what I mean.

Another thing worth bearing in mind is the incentives that these various comparison sites offer you. At the time of writing, Confused are offering a whopping 1,000 nectar points to anyone who takes an insurance policy out with them. This doesn't make a huge deal of difference on a £900 insurance policy, but it does sweeten the deal a little bit.. especially when they are already the cheapest.. as they were for me.

Combine Vehicles onto one policy. Most insurers will give you an approximate 20% discount for adding multiple vehicles to your policy with them.. anything over 2. Think about your situation.. do you and your wife / husband have separate policies? Yes? Well then, you are throwing money away. This can even be extended to room mates / house sharers. As long as the vehicles are registered to the same address, there is usually no problem is sharing a policy.

Applying discounts you are eligible for can bring about significant savings. For example, you are deemed lower risk if you have a roadside recovery policy.. you may be a more conscientious road user I guess. There are discounts on offer for your job, where you live, where you keep the car over night, your education and many other variants. If you are serious about saving some money on your car insurance and bringing the cost of your policy down, then you have to look at these options within the quote forms.

Get lucky Sometimes you just get lucky with a quote. The more companies you try, the more likely it is to happen. It's not the most scientific of approaches... but it can work. Keep comparing! And good luck.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Car Insurance Cost Cutters - Top 5 Tips Revealed

Are you looking for reliable ways to cut your car insurance premiums without exposing yourself to too much risk? You'll be happy to know that it is very easy to reduce vehicle insurance if you take the trouble to discuss the issue with your insurer. The following tips are the most popular ones that vehicle owners use to save quite a bit of money:

1. Don't take comprehensive insurance because you might not end up using it at all. Most vehicle owners do very well with the basic insurance policy available because car accidents do not always happen (unless one is a really bad driver). Be sure to find out what the minimum insurance requirement is for your state before you take out a policy. A liability policy is generally the basic requirement for vehicle owners. It is a fact that insurance companies make a lot of money because most of their customers are over insured.

2. Make sure that you are not being billed for services. At the very least, you should be able to get these charges reduces if they cannot be written off entirely. The only way that you'll find out about these charges and fees is if you get a detailed breakup of the offer made to you. In fact, you should compare breakups of more than one offer in order to have a good idea about how they stand.

3. Maintain a good credit rating at all times. You'll be very surprised to learn that your credit score is sometimes taken into account when an insurance quote is offered.

4. Ask your insurer for a yearly policy instead of a 6-month one. Taking a 6-month policy is costly in the long term even though you pay less money in the short term. It is therefore better to budget for the annual payment which works out less on a monthly basis.

5. Be a tough negotiator with your insurance company representative. Be aware of the fact that the insurer has budgeted for a discount and will pocket the difference as profits if you do not ask for it.

Your insurance payments will become a lot easier to deal with as long as you put in the necessary effort to get a good offer from your insurer, without compromising on the quality of service you receive. It is very easy to get discounts on car insurance if you follow the tips given above.