Saturday, December 29, 2012

Auto Insurance - Don't Neglect The Option

When it comes to driving a vehicle, it's best not to neglect getting insurance coverage. Some people assume that they can go through life without auto insurance as it could end up costing a great deal. In reality there are plenty of companies that make insurance inexpensive and easy. By understanding some simple auto insurance basics you'll be able to move forward with life, insured with the company of your choice. This type of protection is not necessarily here because something is going to go awry, it's for the moments that you can't control when an issue arises. Being protected is a good way to ensure that your future is in good hands.

When you start to look at different policy options, you'll find that there are a lot of variables that go into how much you will have to pay for your plan. Some policies are basic and only cover the damage that might be inflicted on other vehicles. This is often seen as basic coverage, and it can definitely be a positive thing in case you were to be involved in an automobile accident that turns out to be your own fault. This might sound difficult to manage as the owner of the vehicle, but it's a requirement under state law that you meet your areas minimum liability limits.

Aside from the preceding, you can get other coverage options, some of which include damages to your vehicle, another person's vehicle, and the medical issues that might arise as a result. There are rules and regulations that you'll have to understand before you move forward, but you'll definitely be glad that you have this firmly in place in case calamity strikes. The price of the coverage once again varies widely, but it is definitely worth investigating if you are going to be driving with children, multiple passengers, or if you own a brand new car.

Premium coverage options abound when you start to unravel auto insurance company details, this is definitely worth checking out if you're going to be doing a lot of driving. Depending on your policy, you can receive roadside assistance, car rental service, towing, and many other things that most policyholders will not get. This however comes at a premium price with most companies, you'll have to consider whether or not you truly need these options. There are third party companies that you can get supplemental coverage from, but you'll definitely want to weigh this option out if you travel a great deal with your automobile.

In regards to insurance, it's very important that you read all the fine print and get the exact coverage you need. Don't skimp on the necessary components that are required in your state. Driving without this coverage can be very dangerous, if anything were to go wrong you could be responsible financially and beyond. Ask your agent or broker if you have any questions. Basic options can be less than the cost of a coffee per day.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A Shopper's Guide To Auto Insurance Quotes

With the advent of the Internet, complying with the different states' financial liability laws or with the auto insurance requirement had become very easy and convenient. Today, you don't need to walk or drive to an insurance agency to get the necessary coverage.

Auto insurance nowadays is just within your reach. You can get yourself covered while sitting behind your desk solely with the use of a computer or with the aid of a telephone. In just minutes, you can get auto insurance quotes online and eventually buy the coverage you need for your vehicle.

It is important to know the important things that concerns in getting an auto insurance quote online. First, quotes are just quotes. It contains the premium or the price you will have to pay for your chosen coverage over a period of time. By landing on an auto insurance website, you can easily request for quotes. All you need to do is to comply with the personal information being required from you including your driving history and the type of car you want to insure. With that also comes the need to have a payment method in which today had become very handy with credit cards. Although, other auto insurance websites also offer other payment methods aside from the popular plastics. Some offer payment through online or offline third party options.

In getting your online auto insurance quote, it is important that you ensure that the quote you are about to request must have the coverage that you need. In most states, what is required from you are liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage but some require more than that such as uninsured/underinsured motorists, comprehensive and collision coverage.

Upon providing the personal and driving information, the types of coverage and the corresponding limits, an insurance agency website well then provide you a quote or if you prefer, a number of quotes in an instant. These things go really fast.

Auto insurance quotes online actually originate from the rates of different insurance carriers which a particular insurance agency represents. Getting quotes from an agency that represents several top and reputable carriers is preferred as they can provide you not only the lowest quotes there is, but also a satisfactory after-sales service which is important when you will find the need to file for claims. A simple reminder in doing this transaction is to carefully understand the process, and the terms you are about to encounter. When you are in doubt, don't ever hesitate to ask the insurance agency or the insurance agent and have them explain things to your heart's content.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

How Searching For Quotes Gets You Better Service From Your Auto Insurance Provider

As the owner of a vehicle, you need to have cheap auto insurance so that you can protect yourself from claims and also so that you comply with legal requirements. If you do not have sufficient insurance cover then you might have to pay from your pocket for damages caused to your car or passenger or any other vehicle or person you have had a collision with. At the same time, you need to get the right amount of insurance so that a reasonable amount of expenses are covered without you having to spend a lot of money on premium payments.

You will find that it is actually very easy to get affordable auto insurance these says because there are many players in the market and they are all very eager to do business. As a matter of fact, you will find that they are vying for your business and will go to great lengths to get you to sign up. It is therefore very important for you to get quite a few auto insurance quotes as part of searching around for the best deal. This will benefit you in more ways than one.

For starters, you could use the quote from one insurance company to get a better one from the others. A better quote does not necessarily mean a lower premium. It can also mean better terms. Be sure to read through all the offers fully in order to figure out which one suits you the best. Very often, people who have taken a very cheap policy have discovered too late that it is a 'bare bones' insurance policy. One way to get a better deal is to look for ways to increase deductibles.

Once you start looking around for auto insurance quotes you will realize that many insurers also throw in a lot of freebies. Some companies offer vehicle accessories whereas others give you discount vouchers of neighboring businesses such as body shops, restaurants, beauty salons etc. These gifts might not add up to much but they are certainly capable of sweetening the deal.

As you can see, you will definitely benefit from searching around for the most affordable auto insurance available. You will notice this if you have had a long term relationship with any insurance provider; if you tell them that you are searching for quotes then you will immediately get better service from them!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Distracted Drivers Increase the Need for Car Insurance

Motorists are now more aware of the distractions produced by cell phones, text messaging, and other electronic devices brought into the vehicle. There are also other distractions that drivers choose to engage in as well that are dangerous, such as eating and drinking, personal grooming, reading, and talking to passengers. These types of distractions often lead to accidents and are an important reason why everyone on the road needs to carry car insurance to pay for any damages that occur, whether they are at fault, or the victim.

There are four types of driver distraction:

  1. Visual - looking at something other than the road
  2. Auditory - hearing something not related to driving
  3. Manual - manipulating something other than the wheel
  4. Cognitive - thinking abut something other than driving

In many cases more than one of these types is involved, with both a sensory (eyes, ears, or touch) as well as a mental component. Distraction commonly occurs when a driver voluntarily diverts attention to something not related to driving that uses the driver's eyes, ears, or hands. Driver distraction is common in everyday driving and is often the cause of crashes.

Survey reveals some alarming statistics

A recent study that observed 100 drivers continually for a full year found that drivers were distracted between one-quarter and one-half of the time. In recent surveys, about two-thirds of all drivers reported using a cell phone while driving; about one-third used a cell phone routinely, about one-eighth of all drivers reported texting while driving, at least one driver was reported to have been distracted in 15% to 30% of crashes. In many crashes it is not known whether the distractions caused or contributed to the crash.

How does distraction affect driver performance?

Experimental studies show conclusively that distractions of all types affect performance on tasks related to driving. But experimental studies cannot predict what effect various distractions have on crash risk.

The limited research suggests that:

  • Cell phone use increases crash risk to some extent but there is no consensus on the size of the increase
  • There is no conclusive evidence on whether hands-free cell phone use is less risky than hand-held use
  • Texting probably increases crash risk more than cell phone use
  • The effects of other distractions on crash risk cannot be estimated with any confidence

There are no roadway countermeasures directed specifically at distracted drivers, however, discontinuing the practice of using a cell phone while driving could certainly reduce these risks, but if an accident occurs and the driver does not have car insurance coverage, they are likely to be fined and lose their driving privileges.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Saving Auto Insurance Rates For Old Drivers

Auto insurance rates do not depend only on factors such as the person's driving record, daily mileage, and the kind and type of car they drive. In writing premiums, car insurance companies will also base the rates on the driver's age considering the risk that a particular age group entails.

In the auto insurance business in the United States, young drivers who are in their teens and early 20s usually pays more for their premiums. Their cost of insurance will somehow decline when they reach their 40s until the early 60s. However, this will go up slightly when they reach 70 and above. To give a much clearer picture, a young driver may pay for around $2,000 and this may go down to around $1,000 when they reach the age of 40, and will go up a little bit, at around $1,400,when they are near 80 years old.

Experts view that the sweet spot for car insurance consumers is when they are in their 40s until their 60s. Upon reaching that age bracket, drivers are now viewed to be more matured and experienced. When they reach their 60s, they often have lower rates as people on that age tends to drive less than while they were young. However, as they grow older, their vision might already be impaired and may experience some medical conditions than contribute to having higher probability for insurance losses. It is in this reason why old people might have to pay more for their premiums.

To back that practice, a study from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety will show us that fatal crashes and rates are more likely to increase on people who aged 70 and above. Older people too are more prone to having injuries after a car accident and such injuries can be more severe compared to younger people and may also have grave complications.

To augment the rising cost of insurance among older drivers, insurers have instituted some mechanics for senior citizen drivers to avail discounts and enjoy cheaper car insurance. These mechanics may include updating your information to your insurer and declare that you now driver lesser mileage, or that you have taken some driving courses that adheres to accident prevention. You can also opt to drive a much safer car as insurance companies also consider the type and kind of car people drive in writing premiums. Other means also to enjoy much cheaper auto insurance rates is to opt out other drivers in your policy.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

What's the Best Method of Comparing Cheap Car Insurance Quotes?

Let's say you are looking for the cheapest car insurance quotes you can find. You can do in one of several ways. You can work with a local agent, you can contact multiple insurance companies one at a time, or you can obtain quotes online. Which method is the best?

I'll answer that question in just a minute. First, I want to stress the importance of getting multiple quotes if you want the cheapest car insurance rates. The more quotes you can gather, the greater the chances you will find the lowest price out there.

Online Is the Best Method

Back in the days when car insurance first became popular in the U.S., it was almost unheard of for drivers to purchase directly from the insurance company. Drivers went through independent agents, agents that represented multiple companies with multiple policies.

A new generation of drivers in the 1970s and 80s discovered they could get better prices by working directly with insurance companies. Though independent agents still existed, they were seeing fewer customers utilizing them solely for car insurance.

In the 21st century, things are completely different thanks, in part, to the Internet. Now we can enjoy comparing the cheapest car insurance quotes online without ever having to talk to an agent or insurance company salesperson. I believe this is the best method for the following reasons:

  • it's quick and easy
  • you don't have to endure high-pressure sales tactics
  • you can get quotes and compare them on your own schedule
  • you can view quotes side-by-side for easier comparison

Online Quote Options

If you agree that comparing insurance quotes online is the best way to go, you have two options. The first is to go to the websites of individual insurance companies and request a quote. This isn't a bad option but it is time consuming. If you are working online to avoid wasting time then this is not the way to do it.

The second option is to utilize rate quote comparison websites. They offer you an online form you can fill out in just a matter of minutes. The information they collect is then submitted to multiple insurance companies offering policies in your area. The key is you only enter your information once.

You fill out the form then sit back and wait for the cheapest car insurance quotes to arrive in your e-mail. Whenever you are ready, you can compare those quotes and narrow them down to the top two or three choices.

Tips for Comparing Quotes

When you are ready to begin comparing the quotes you receive, it might helpful to print them out first. This lets you put the quotes side-by-side on a table where you can compare them item-by-item without having to switch back and forth between computer screens. Yes, paper does still have some value in the 21st century.

When you are comparing, also pay attention to each individual item as it relates to the other quotes. For example, under the liability section you will see a specific set of numbers that looks something like 15/30/15. These numbers represent, in tens of thousands of dollars, how much liability insurance a policy offers.

If all the quotes show the same numbers then all you need be concerned about is what you are being charged. If those numbers are different, it's important to consider those in terms of overall value.

Comparing the cheapest car insurance quotes online lets you find the right car insurance quickly and easily. If you need a new policy today, take advantage of our free quote tool and get started right now.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Car Insurance - Top Tips To Trim Your Insurance Bills

If you are struggling to stay within your household budget then trimming your car insurance payments is a good way to save some money. You'll be surprised at how easy it is to cut down your insurance premium. You just need to know where to look for high charges. Start saving money by using the following tips to reduce your car insurance:

- Go for the lowest possible cover instead of spending a lot of money on collision cover that is not even necessary. This option works particularly well if your car is a very old one. You might just find that buying a new car is a better option. Besides, if you are a reasonably good driver then there is little chance of needing this cover.

- See if the insurer charges you fees for some of the services offered. You will only find this out if you ask for a detailed breakup of the quote offered to you. Many insurers are willing to remove or reduce these charges if they feel that they are losing the customer to another company.

- Indicate to the insurer that you are shopping around for rates. In fact, it is very important to get quotes from different companies because this will help you understand whether you are being overcharged or have not been offered all the features that you need. You need to avoid a situation where you have been offered a lower coverage level for the same amount of premium.

- Get all your policies from the same insurer because this helps you command a better discount.

- Look around for discounts that you might qualify for. For instance, insurers give teenagers a discount on car insurance if they can demonstrate that they get good grades. You can also get a discount if you complete a course on safe driving.

While it is a good idea to look for cheap car insurance, you should also be very careful about selecting the right kind of company. Make sure that you choose an insurer that has a good track record in the market. After all, you don't want to be left high and dry when it comes to making a claim on the insurance company. Certain insurers are known to delay making payments and this results in a great deal of inconvenience to the customer. It is therefore a good idea to spend some time and effort to select the right car insurance company.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Cheap Car Insurance - Important Factors to Consider

Car insurance is something every vehicle owner has to get. Not only is it a legal obligation, it also helps in lessening your expenditure in case of an accident. Car insurance forms a reasonable chunk of the expenses involved in owning a car, and with the cost of living on the rise, cheap car insurance is something most people are looking for.

There are a number of things you have to consider to get a lower premium on your vehicle's insurance.

Age of Company

A plethora of companies exist out there, both old and new, which provide car insurance. While most people look at the older, more established players first, they may not provide the cheapest quotes. Ensure that you consult the rates of all the different providers to see which one provides the cheaper rates.


A cheaper insurance does not automatically mean a better policy. It might have a number of restrictions that, in the long run, usually favor the company more than you. Ensure that you look at all the different aspects of a policy, and compare it with similar products provided by other companies and get one that provides sufficient coverage.

Size/Cost of Car

The size and cost of your car is another factor that plays a part in your insurance rates. More expensive cars attract higher rates because of the higher cost involved in repairing its components. If you want cheap car insurance, you could consider going for a sturdy and cheap car which will lower your rates.

Clean driving record

Insurance companies also provide discounts for good drivers. If you have a clean driving record, you might get cheaper rates. This is because a good record gives the impression that you are a safe driver, and less prone to accidents. Teen drivers tend to get higher rates because of their relative inexperience, but some companies provide the option of giving them lower rates if they pass advanced driving courses. Conversely, if you are above 50, you could sign up for an association of retired people, who could help you in getting cheaper rates due to their tie-ups with insurance companies. Some companies provide discounts for female drivers as well. You could ask the company for details, if you are eligible.

Packaged discounts

Certain insurance companies provide discounted rates if they provide car insurance as well as other lines of insurance in your house like fire insurance, theft insurance, etc. You could consider the company which provides other insurance coverage for you to see if they offer cheap car insurance. Certain companies provide a loyalty discount as well. That doesn't mean that you should only look at your current provider, as there is a possibility that other companies provide cheaper rates.

These are some of the major factors that you should keep in mind if you are looking for cheap car insurance. You can easily compare the various policies available by consulting various websites on the Internet, some of which are dedicated to finding cheap car rates.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Tips For How To Get The Most Out Of Your Auto Insurance Policy

You want to start by getting the most out of your auto insurance policy by comparing rates from different companies. The insurance industry has become very competitive and if you look, you can find some discounts and maybe even some great deals. So in order for you to possibly get your insurance for less, and not miss opportunities to save on premiums, I am listing some tips below.

Auto insurance policy adjustments:

· Removing Collision Coverage for an older Vehicle

· Raising the deductibles on Collision and or your Comprehensive Coverages

· If you have more than one Vehicle, drop rental car Coverages

· You could lower your limits for Bodily Injury Liability and Property Damage

· If you have duplicate road side assistance programs, drop the least helpful on

· If you have medical insurance coverage, and your state allows you too, drop your medical coverage on your auto policy.

Discounts that could be available on Auto Policies:

· Check on claims free discounts

· See if they offer safe driver benefits

· Features your auto may have like airbags, anti-theft devices, anti-locks brakes that offer safety and security to the occupants may also qualify for discounts

· If you bundle all your policies like life ins., homeowners, boat or an umbrella policy these also could drive discounts on your policy.

Check Auto Insurance Rates by Comparison Shopping on the Internet or In Person

There are many reasons why there can be major differences in companies rates, 1.) Some companies are just more competitive than others, and 2.) other companies based on their claims history in an area, may use different underwriting criteria. So for these reasons, you will find that by shopping around you could uncover savings on your insurance dollars.

Here is a partial list of underwriting Rate Factors:

· Driving Records

· Drivers history

· If there are any Moving Violations recently

· Have there been any alcohol or drug violations while driving

· Have there been Cell Phone Violations

· One big one is have there been any at fault accidents

· Uninsured driving Violations.

Other factors of equal importance that can affect your pocketbook are, do you drive the speed limit, are you a defensive driver and do you try to obey the traffic laws. One last and really big factor in your rate is your credit score. The higher your credit score, the lower your rate.

So to get the most out of your auto insurance dollar, follow some of these tips, review your policy every couple years to spot areas you can change for your benefit. In today's market place, it does not make sense to pay more than you need to on your rates for auto insurance.